Friday, May 11, 2007

Goodbye Meat Chick

This has been a hard day for Olivia. Yesterday her beloved chick, we liked to call meat chick because it was a chicken genetically enhanced to slaughter in 8 weeks, died suddenly Apparently this type of chicken was not meant to live a long life. Olivia was heart broken. She cried a lot so we had a little funeral for it. She now wants another meat chick but we have bargained for just another chick instead.
JC went to his interview. All went well. We will find out next week if he gets the job or not. If he gets it we would have a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. It would also give us the money to complete our adoption.
I have only 1 week left of subbing. I am kind of sad but at the same time it will be nice to stay home with the kids. I have really missed being with them.
Kyra is doing well. She is talking a lot and is now singing all the time. It is really cute.
I have planted a garden. We have tomatoes, corn, carrots, green beans, green peppers, and sunflowers. I hope everything grows.
Well, that is all for now. Cross your fingers for JC. I know I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You need another meat chick....but eat it first before it dies.