Wednesday, July 11, 2007


We were quite the popular house yesterday. Our first major visitor was Beaver County Sheriff. They saw JC's car on the side of the road and were going to tow it if we didn't get it moved. That would have been a $400 fine. I told them we were going to move it when JC got home from work. That is another story...
The next visitor was an FBI investigator, he was investigating the fire and had some questions for me. At first I thought he was going to ask me what I was doing at the time of the fire etc. Take me in for questioning under a bright light and not let me have water until they got their answers.
This is blog worthy just because we never get visitors and when we do they are law enforcement. I would've rather seen Ed McMann. :)

Anyway, back to changing the tire. We get there and try to find the jack. We get that out and we don't know how to use it. We figure that out and get the tire off and put the spare on, lower the car and the spare is flat. So we lift the car again and I have to go fill it with air. Well, JC's car battery was dead and we don't have jumper cables so I had to go ask a fire and rescue truck if they have cables. We get those and now JC's car is home and today we are taking it to Cedar for new tires. Can I have one thing go on without it being a charade?

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